Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Calcutta in Shorts

Short stories from Calcutta

A Calcuttan is univocal in admiration for the city, its vibrancy, the colors and the warmth of Calcutta resonates between the lines of "Calcutta in Shorts".

'The Coffee House' is a story which reeks with old - age charm. It begins with a crisp, catchy dialogue between Munna, the waiter, and Setu, the old - time customer, his unseen friends, filling the vacant seats, the silent monolog which ensues and the scattered surprised onlookers all around. The faded decor, the self- same conversations which fills the air, establishes an aura of mystery and heightens the surprising twist at the end. A story that keeps the reader glued to the lines. A beautiful portrait of the many life sequences which unfurl within the precincts of 'The Coffee House' even today.

'Dream Chasers' nurtures the latent desires of youth, which haunts and mesmerizes them into wearing blinkers and guides their footsteps into a  cesspool of deceit, agony, and misery.

'Homeless' portrays the inherent sadness of those forced to relinquish their hearth, pick up their tiny bundle of the remnants, they, once upon a time, called 'home' and leave their place of birth and move towards unknown horizons.

 'Mithu', welcomes us into a sunlit zone filled with love and laughter, the beautiful connect that exists between different species made by the same Maker. The ones we proclaim made 'in His own image ' and those who are a tad lower in intelligence or are they?  The deep love, trust and bond which invariably exists between the two. A beautiful description which depicts the friendship that throbs and emanates between Man and a Bird. 

What is poignant about these short stories is that each subtly paints a niche character of the great city, Calcutta.

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